The General Class of 1938, JHS 125
History buff and lover of old photos, John Duresky bought this photo in a Goodwill Store in Phoenix Arizona. He would like to locate the people or their relatives:
"I've set myself on a bit of a quest to try to locate either any survivors of that class from Queens JHS 125, June 1938, or else any living relative so I can return it to one of them.
I'm a history buff, hence the desire to connect with that group if at all possible. I'll keep at it for a while even though it is a real long shot. I really enjoyed seeing the looks of the kids in that photo. So much promise. I wonder how their lives turned out.
I've set myself on a bit of a quest to try to locate either any survivors of that class from Queens JHS 125, June 1938, or else any living relative so I can return it to one of them.
June 1938 was an interesting point in history. Europe was just a little over a year away from being plunged into total hell with the Nazi invasion of Poland, the Holocaust, and one nightmare after another. This was perhaps the last JHS graduating class from Queens before that happened, so I think we can all see a lot of innocence and hope in those young faces. I can't help but wonder how many many from that class died fighting, or were wounded, in Europe, Asia, or elsewhere during WWII, or how many became widows or heroes on the home front supplying the troops, etc. I'm sure there are also some amazing personal stories of great joy, courage, and success that came out of that group as well as a lot of sorrow. This is a photo of the Greatest Generation taken a few years before it became that in history."
While these young people were a little ahead of us, perhaps you will be able to recognize an older brother or sister of a friend, or someone from your street.

This boy seems to be wearing his school jacket with a Q125 logo patch.

Doesn't that gentleman to the right look like our principal Mr. Dooley?